Sunday, March 22, 2015

Soapy Days

It's been a little while since I last blogged.  It's March now and I'm so anxious to get back into the swing of things.  For example, I need to get back into the craft shows, fairs and festivals.  I had a show this weekend.  I was so excited about it and had even spiced up my display a bit.  Take a look:

That handsome fella back there is my son.  So anyway, I was so excited about this show.  It was one of the worst shows I've even done.  The venue did a craptastic job at getting people in the door.  Well, live and learn.  That will be the last time I ever do that venue.  I'm not bitter about not making sales, ALL the vendors lost money that day.  It was just a horrible show for everyone.  Now I need to find new venues where I can actually make money instead of losing it.